The project Take Over: “Seeing young audiences through young people’s eyes” gathers British Council (UK), Bios (Greece), Chorea Theatre (Poland), Zaduzbina Ilije M. Kolarca (Serbia – “Kolarac”), and Teatro Limonaia (Italy), all organisations active in performing arts, driven by a strong desire to connect or re-connect with young adults (age 18-25) in an effort to engage with a wider and more diverse audience. During the project, the partners will re-imagine artistic programmes from the point of view of younger generations, making a lasting impact on staff and how they involve, engage with and attract young audiences as well as an eye-opening and learning experience for the young participants.
The project proposes an innovative demand-led audience development model, establishing a Youth Board in four arts organisations in order to include young people’s voices and opinions in artistic programmes and visions. Throughout the creation of the Youth Board and the Take Over events in Greece, Poland, Serbia and Italy, partners’ staff will receive training and learn from other European experiences, notably from the UK and Finland. This will help them to better understand how to engage with young people through these innovative techniques. In parallel, the young people participating in the Youth Board will embark into a long term learning experience that will give them a unique insight of the European cultural market and equip them with new skills. In four participating countries, the Youth Board will be in charge of curating and producing “Take Over events”, as a carte blanche for them to create an offer that reflects their generation’s cultural aspirations.
The work plan includes twenty activities: a study visit, participatory workshops, a baseline and impact survey, a European seminar, series of Youth Board sessions, a mentoring scheme, four bespoke Take Over events, an external evaluation, one final conference, one online platform complemented by local communication strategies.
The results will be the promotion of a more inclusive and upstream approach of Young Audience Development in the European performing arts sector, a blueprint for Arts professionals to re-think their programmes and services from the perspective of their audience, a new generation of cultural players equipped with new skills and a unique insight of the European cultural market.
First workshop sessions:
10.04.2015, h. 15.00 - 20.00
14.04.2015, h. 17.00 - 20.00
21.04.2015, h. 17.00 - 20.00
28.04.2015, h. 17.00 - 20.00