Current repertoire

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Eden. Basn sceniczna w kilku obrazach premiere fot.HOLLYBABA 57 Eden. A scenical fairy tale in several pictures 369471130 1278890502949891 7066811437470210313 n Bo­oks of Di­squ­iet. Sta­ni­sław / An­to­ni / Fer­nan­do 22Zota nic22 pokaz pracy fot.HOLLYBABA 76 Gold thread retroperspektywy 19.08.22 ragnarok spektakl fot. agnieszka cytacka 45 Ragnarok retroperspektywy mierc na gruszy fot. agnieszka cytacka 72 Death on a pear tree P1090374 We should be... ksiezniczki agnieszka cytacka 52 Princesses Schulz Petla foto HOLLYBABA 5 Schulz: Loop ksiezn Locked in a tower DSC5873 Salto mortale A7A2741 me, god DSC 5122 Tragedy of John HAWA4196 Edit Edit fot.HaWa Metaphysical miniopera MG 0166 The Crack IMG 4723 copy1 The Brain bach6 The Bacchae 3651 370458346396190 2054249331 n After The Birds