when: 03.04.2015, h. 19:00
where: Włókiennicza Street, Łódź
organizer: Teatr Pinokio w Łodzi, Dotknij Teatru
direction: Konrad Dworakowski
duration: 2 godziny
"Dialogus De Passione#Pasja Dialogu" is an interdisciplinary theatre project, referring to the tradition of liturgical theater, confronted with experiences of alternative theatre creators. The project participants are seekers of treasures hidden in culture and traditions, and at the same time they are pioneers in their experimentation theatre work, and designers of "new tradition" and contemporary art. Creators of the project are artists from Lodz, including: CHOREA Theatre with its creator Tomasz Rodowicz, Szwalnia Theatre, Pracownia Fizyczna, Grupa KIJO.