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Retroperspektywy 2018 International Theatre Festival

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CHOREA Theatre | Workshops

We would like e to invite for a press meeting concerning our International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy 2018 - Theatre between Words, on 26 June 2018 (Tuesday), at 11:00 am, in Format Club&Cafe, in Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz, (building A), on 3 Tymienieckiego Street.

International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy 2018: Theatre between Words
24-26 of August/ 31st August-02 of September

International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy is the only festival in Poland that rejects the division of genres and currents and does not grade the artists as proffessionals and amateurs, presenting at the same time the most interesting theatre phenomena which define cultural identity of a modern man. In the events offered such identity is determined by the modern language of art that follows its own ways and search for the references to tradition. 

Here in every two years there meet prominent musicians, dancers and masters of word. The latter will be dominant of these year’s edition entitled „Theatre between words”. In various propositions we will meet such artists as Maja Komorowska, Irena Jun and Mariusz Bonaszewski. We will listen to the words of Adam Mickiewicz, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nikos Kazantzakis, Czesław Miłosz, Wisława Szymborska and Zbigniew Herbert. We will listen to traditional songs and experimental music. We will see the performances, which determine the new thinking about the theatre, that efface the diffrences between the concert and mystery, pageant and ritual. It implements the word into the body, the actor into the song and movement. Theatre signs transmute into senses and the meeting of actors and specators into hope. 

Today – among all those enormous tensions and threats – each edition of the Festival consequently presents brilliant accomplishments of world’s theatre, music and dance, that brings the great load of humanism and faith in a human being – something that is essential to put out a dangerously smouldering fuse. 

Tomasz Rodowicz

Artistic Director of the International Festival Retroperspektywy



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Site-specific performance „1905. Człowiek niepodległy”

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Piotrkowska Street, Lodz | Project

We invite to a site-specific performance: "Człowiek niepodległy", in terms of 113 anniversary of 1905 Revolution and Lodz Uprising, created by CHOREA Theatre, organized by Klub Krytyki Politycznej in Lodz, in cooperation with: historical group "Łodzianka", Warszawski Chór Rewolucyjny "Warszawianka", Krakowski Chór Rewolucyjny, Wrocławski Chór Rewolucyjny. 

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CHOREA Theatre Workshops in Lithuania

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Klaipeda, Lithuania | Workshops

On 17th-21st June 2018 CHOREA Theatre leaded an intensive workshop session, in terms of "Polish Theatre Days” during II International Theatre Festival TheATRIUM 2018 in Drama Theatre in Klaipeda in Lithuania.


Photo gallery from concert "Brothers of the Northern Lights"

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Pinokio Theatre in Lodz | Concert

Watch the photo gallery from the premiere of concert "Brothers of the Northern Lights" by CHOREA Theatre and Teatr Figur from Cracov, in terms of VIII International Festival Teatralna Karuzela​, organized by Teatr Pinokio in Lodz​.