On 17th-21st June 2018 CHOREA Theatre leaded an intensive workshop session, in terms of "Polish Theatre Days” during II International Theatre Festival TheATRIUM 2018 in Drama Theatre in Klaipeda in Lithuania.
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The workshop organized by CHOREA is based on intensive acting training. The workshop focuses on waking up the “organicity” of an actor, by working with body, dynamic movement, voice, musicality, rhythm, and on applying all these means of expression simultaneously into a singular, complete artistic act. The workshop is also inspired by the concept of collective actor, based on intensive work with partner, and multidimensional - polyrhythmic and polyphonic - ways of working with the group.
CHOREA's method of work has two main qualities: intensity and risk - both physical and resulting from the necessity to transcend the limits of one's abilities. CHOREA workshop is moving beyond the presentation of techniques and teaching. The workshop leads to activate the creativity of the group and to create authentic, dynamic artistic event.
Leaders: Tomasz Rodowicz, Elina Toneva, Tomasz Krzyżanowski