On Aprill 11th - 14th, CHOREA will lead workshops and lectures in Moldova, within the project CHOREA - INTERACTIONS: Moldova and Georgia, co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.
Date:11th of April 2016
Lecture on Jerzy Grotowski: Grotowski – from the ultimate actor to art as a vehicle. Three stages of works.
Tomasz Rodowicz, who collaborated with Jerzy Grotowski for many years and who had been watching his creative path as a practitioner of the theater, will discuss Grotowski‘s ideas about acting, theater, his work on the theatre’s group and his views on culture and the presence of the artist in the culture of the XXth century.
Date:12-14 of April, 2016
International theatre workshops: Body / Movement / Voice – The Multidimensional Actor
The workshop organized by CHOREA is based on intensive acting training. The workshop focuses on waking up the “organicity” of an actor, by working with body, dynamic movement, voice, musicality, rhythm, and on applying all these means of expression simultaneously into a singular, complete artistic act. The workshop will be also inspired by the concept of collective actor, based on intensive work with partner, and multidimensional - polyrhythmic and polyphonic - ways of working with the group.
CHOREA's method of work has two main qualities: intensity and risk - both physical and resulting from the necessity to transcend the limits of one's abilities. CHOREA workshop is moving beyond the presentation of techniques and teaching. The workshop leads to activate the creativity of the group and to create authentic, dynamic artistic event.
The programe of CHOREA workshop includes:
Dance workshop:
-working with partner and space, learning how to support and secure the partners
-working on body awareness, group awareness and concentration
-working on dynamics and expression of movement, and on ability to improvise
-learning choreographies inspired by iconography of ancient myths and iconography of contemporary culture, combined with intensive work with rhythm and musicality
Voice workshop:
-developing natural vocal possibilities, opening the voice by using basic elements of vocal and breathing techniques
-activating body resonators, working on individual timbre and group sound
-working with semi-tones and complex harmonic consonances
-working on polyphonic songs from various folk traditions arranged by CHOREA musicians
Rhythm workshop:
-working with irregular rhythms
-activating the musicality of entire body
-working with the pulse of the group
-working with complex coordination and rhythmic exercises which incorporate simultaneous use of voice and movement
Organising institution:Chorea Theatre, Łódź, Poland, www.chorea.com.pl
Partner/hosting place: The Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts Faculty of Theatre, Film and Dance www.amtap.md