We would like to present our film "Lullabies - making-of" showing how we were creating our "Lullabies" musical album.
Film "Lullabies - making-of"
CHOREA Theatre | Project
CHOREA Theatre | Project
Previous news
"VIDOMI - Continuation" in Szczecin and Bydgoszcz
Kana Theatre in Szczecin, MCK in Bydgosz | Performance
Kana Theatre in Szczecin, MCK in Bydgosz | Performance
On December 18th we will perform "Vidomi” in Kana Theatre in Szczecin. On December 19th we will lead music and dance workshops in Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy nr 1 in Bydgoszcz, and on December 20th we wil perform „Vidomi” in Miejskie Centrum Kultury in Bydgoszcz. Workshops and performances will take place in terms of "VIDOMI - Continuation" project.

"Lulabajki" - premiere of our musical album
CHOREA Theatre | Project
CHOREA Theatre | Project
Dearest Lullafans!!!