On December 18th we will perform "Vidomi” in Kana Theatre in Szczecin. On December 19th we will lead music and dance workshops in Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy nr 1 in Bydgoszcz, and on December 20th we wil perform „Vidomi” in Miejskie Centrum Kultury in Bydgoszcz. Workshops and performances will take place in terms of "VIDOMI - Continuation" project.
Project leaders: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Magda Paszkiewicz, Joanna Filarska
The project involves a series of theatre, movement, dance and music workshops for blind and visually-impaired young people, and performing the professional performance "VIDOMI".
The main aim of the workshops is to develop body awareness of the participants, to improve their orientation in space, and to teach them techniques of free and smooth motion, to give them selfconfidence and trust by working with others and working in the group. The workshop activities include methods of intensive development of the whole body and voice, and creative improvisation techniques. Through workshops based on working with the body, voice and partner, young people overcame their barriers and limitations, and they are breaking the stereotypes associated with functioning of the blind and visually impaired people in the society.
The performance "VIDOMI" is an attempt to answer the question of what seeing is and what it is not. Do we realize the meaning of the sense of sight? By confronting the visually-impaired with the sighted, we are trying to develop alternative techniques of work, that will cross the physical limitations. We use the synergy of impulses – words, sounds, touch, movement – to create our own language for communication. We are learning to see with our whole bodies, and discover the world based on a different kind of seeing, which does not have to be limited by a physical impairment or the blindness of the mind, or by stereotypical judgments. This kind of work in theatre lets us go beyond the borders which the society puts in front of us in our everyday lives. Theatre becomes a medium, in which differences between us become a tool for creating the reality together. Visual impairment does not need to mean life in the dark. And how do you see it?