CHOREA Theatre invites to a series of CHOREA concerts !!!
Concert "Lullabies"
date: 07.05.2015
time: 19.00
place: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi, ul. Tymienieckiego 3
tickets: 15 zł (ulgowy) / 20 zł (normalny)
Music: Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Kuba Pałys
Direction: Dominika Krzyżanowska
Vocal: Children, Natalia Przybysz
Great Choir of Young CHOREA: Elizabet Araj, Joanna Chmielecka, Jacek Czapnik, Joanna Filarska, Sandra Gierzek, Dominika Jarosz, Michalina Jędrzejczak, Majka Justyna, Joanna Kłos, Aleksandra Kozioł, Dominika Krzyżanowska, Marcin Kobyliński, Milena Kranik, Maria Mażewska, Anna Przybyt, Marta Rakowska, Marta Sterna, Justyna Sobieraj-Bednarek, Aleksandra Szałek, Elina Toneva, Paulina Tralewska, Dara Weinberg, Jacek Witych
Musicians: Krzysztof Szmytke (violin), Michał Iwanek (piano), Wojciech Traczyk (double bass), Hubert Zemler (percussion)
Visuals: Electro Moon Vision
Light: Tomasz Krukowski
Sound: Marcin Dobijański
Premiere: 9-10.12.2013, Muzyczny Theatre, Lodz
What is the scent of night? Where does the rain take a rest? Who puts the echo to sleep? Is it possible to sail on a silver moon? Do foxes yawn? Where is the Dreamland? What are the colours of night butterflies? Who is stampingaround in the attic at night-time?
...a lot of incredible and peculiar stories happen just before bedtime... Children dream about flying and adults dream about a peaceful moment for themselves, or about a trouble-solving machine, to deal with the most difficult problems.
All of us - young and older - we are waiting for the moment when dreams are drifting straight into our beds. In this special time everything calms down and softens. We are entering the world of imagination, fables, fairy tales and lullabies. This unique time lasts only for few moments. But we will try to stay in this world a little bit longer...
We would like to invite for a unique concert, placed between reality and sleep, between fairy tales and everyday life, between childhood and adulthood, among the colourful images and smooth sounds. Lullabies, music stories, sometimes serious, sometimes simply for fun will be sung by children, Natalia Przybysz and the Great Choir of Young CHOREA.
Concert "Engi Vengi"
date: 15.05.2015
time: 19.00
tickets: 15 zł / 20 zł
place: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi, ul. Tymienieckiego 3
Musical arrangement: Tomasz Krzyżanowski
Choir conductors: Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Elina Toneva
Choir: Elizabet Araj, Jacek Czapnik, Joanna Filarska, Sandra Gierzek, Michalina Jędrzejczak, Majka Justyna, Joanna Kłos, Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Marcin Kobyliński, Maria Mażewska, Anna Przybyt, Marta Rakowska, Marta Sterna, Aleksandra Szałek, Elina Toneva, Paulina Tralewska, Jacek Witych
Premiere: 24.08.2014, Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz
“Engi vengi vitelengi” is another musical proposal of the Great Choir of Young CHOREA. The group was established in 2011. Since then, it has accompanied musical performances of CHOREA Theatre, collecting and arranging songs from all over the world. This time, we are going to draw on the Balkan music repertoire. During the concert, we are going to perform, among other things, traditional Bulgarian songs from western Bulgaria and Rhodope Mountains. The concert will not lack Macedonian accents. We are going to hear some polyphony and dissonance, flirtatious as well as wistful songs, and, most of all, a great variety of ornaments and odd rhythms.
The Great Choir of Young Chorea is a musical and vocal band, which was founded in summer 2011 in CHOREA Theatre in Lodz. This is a group of music enthusiasts, which are different in age, experience, interests and backgrounds, but the have one great common passion for music and singing.
"Concert of Ancient Music"
date: 19.05.2015
hour: 19.00
tickets: 15 zł / 20 zł
place: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi, ul. Tymienieckiego 3
Musical direction: Tomasz Krzyżanowski
Cast: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Joanna Chmielecka, Hubert Domański, Joanna Filarska, Sandra Gierzek, Dominika Jarosz, Joanna Kłos, Milena Kranik, Dominika Krzyżanowska, Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Maciej Maciaszek, Dorota Porowska, Tomasz Rodowicz, Elina Toneva
Light and sound: Tomasz Krukowski
Premiere: 30.07.2011, Lodz Philharmonic Orchestra Festiwal "Colours of Poland", Arkadia, Nieborów
CHOREA artists create a spectacular concert of ancient music. Broken, odd rhythms and polyphonic chants, reconstructed from twenty five hundred years old inscriptions on papyrus and stone, are vibrating with modern, dynamic energy. The singers, dancers and musicians work hand in hand, and they are fluently taking each others' places in turns.
We have tried to interpret this ancient musical material and compositions with reference to very rich Balkan musical tradition, and currently we tend to be drifting towards jazz, oriental sounds and contemporary music. Inspired by the ancient art, we create our own art – deeply modern – created on the clash of unknown, almost lost and forgotten European heritage and contemporary language of sounds.
Koncert "Rhythm of Language"
date: 10.06.2015
hour: 19.00
tickets: 15 zł / 20 zł
place: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi, ul. Tymienieckiego 3
Music: Tomasz Krzyżanowski
Cast: Maciej Bednarek, Joanna Chmielecka, Sandra Gierzek, Dominika Jarosz, Joanna Kłos, Milena Kranik, Dominika Krzyżanowska, Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Kuba Pałys, Justyna Sobieraj-Bednarek, Elina Toneva
Production: Dominika Krzyżanowska, Tomasz Krzyżanowski
Light and sound: Tomasz Krukowski
Premiere: 21.08.2014, Retroperspectives Festival, Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz
The concert is a continuation of musical and linguistic search led by Tomasz Krzyżanowski and the CHOREA Theatre.
The language and the rhythm are fascinating. There is absolute brotherhood between them. There is a rhythm in the language, and the rhythm itself is a language too. It is exciting that when writing music, you can be inspired by both these phenomena, and that it works in both directions: sometimes you start from the melody, character and sound of syllables, while at other times you begin with the pulse, placement of the words in time, accents and pronouncing sounds in a given order, or with the rhythmical code into which you weave individual words and sentences. The melody of words, rhythm of sentences and phrases are like the song of the language. You can just listen to it, or analyse it as if it was a musical score. Yet, this song has an open form – you can use it in various ways, change it like in a kaleidoscope. And as in the kaleidoscope there is a place for various colours, shapes, images and emotions, also in the “Rhythm of Language” concert there is a place for songs and rhythms inspired by languages of the world.
In this musical “mosaicon”, we will hear the Persian temperament, Turkish Orient, Akkadian mystery, Old Greek pathos, Elvish magic, Polish word-games and others. This time, we wanted to find in the rhythm and sound of languages everything that can move and directly touch human sensitivity. We have been searching for the possibility to open, both in the performer and the listener, the new perspective of time, perception and awareness.