Spring will come soon... In the meantime we are sending a lot of warm emotions with our "June" Lullaby...
Listen to a "Lullaby"
Previous news

Mahabharata - by Kasba Arghya Theatre, Kolkata
Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz | Performance
date: 4.02.2015
time: 18:00, 20:00
place: sala teatralna Art_Inkubatora w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi (budynek C), ul. Tymienieckiego 3
tickets: 20 PLN ulgowy / 25 PLN normalny
rezervation: chorea.warsztaty@gmail.com

CHOREA nomination for PLASTRY KULTURY Award
Dom Literatury | Project
CHOREA was nominated for the "Plastry Kultury" award for organization of Retroperspektywy International Theatre Festival 2014, in the category of "Theatre event of the year".
CHOREA in 2015
2014 was a very intensive and busy year! 10th birthday, three fantastic premieres, a new home in Art_Inkubator, highly successful Retroperspectives Festival, award from the City for the project "Warning Human! City Voltage", Gloria Artis medal for Tomasz Rodowicz, scholarships for our talented artists. With great pride and joy we welcomed new born Sonia, Zosia and Staś to the world... We can say: We did it! Thank you all for this amazing and creative time!