Monodrama by Ola Szałek
date: 13 grudnia 2014
hour: 18.00
place: Teatr CHOREA (sala drewniana), Fabryka Sztuki w Łodzi, ul. Tymienieckiego 3
rezerwation: chorea.warsztaty@gmail.com
"ACCEPT NO" is not just a reflection on living with Asperger's, but also the voice of people affected by autism. The show is a pantomime, created by a high school graduate. Ola in a difficult emotional situation wrote a poem about what a misunderstood and rejected person with Asperger is experiencing. Ola said: "I would like You to accept me and not treat me like a freak." The performance shows the enormous influence of art, and how important it is to express yourself by the beauty of singing, playing and creating.
Ola Szałek - member of Great Choir of Young CHOREA, participates in many artisctic, education and social projects organized by CHOREA Theatre and Art Factory in Lodz.