Performance "Salto mortale" created by Majka Justyna from CHOREA Theatre, in terms of Festiwal Showcase WertepEXPO in Sejny.
date: 12.12.2019 (Thursday)
time: 17:00
place: Synagogue in Sejny, Festival Showcase WertepEXPO
more info:
"Salto mortale - a few exercises in dying"
What if life and time is just a great loop, a continuous, eternal return? Approaching death, accepting the inevitable change?
Every day we can practice dying. Meet with death, drink coffee with her, go for ice cream. Feel her heavy breathe on the back of our neck, laugh at her black wit, dance a piece of the macabre waltz. Every day peel off our own stories, personal beliefs, taste inevitability. Commune with decay.
So close your eyes now. And practice.
"What if (...) a demon (...) said to you:» This life, just as you are now living and experiencing it, you will have to live again and countless times; and there will be nothing new in it, only every pain and every pleasure and every thought and sigh, and all the unspeakably small and great of your life must come back to you and everything in the same order and aftermath (...)."
Friedrich Nietzsche, "Joyful knowledge"
The dance performance "Salto mortale" is an experimental meeting of image and movement in search of stories recorded in the body and experiences in the recesses of consciousness, on the border between waking and sleeping. The performance is created mainly on the basis of improvisation techniques based ono Arnold Mindell's conception of "Dreaming Body" and authentic movement.
Majka Justyna - A dancer, singer, performer, practices and teaches Ashtanga Yoga. A member of the CHOREA Theater Association, where she produces performances and concerts, and coordinates educational and social projects. She works with body and dance from the age of 5, from folk dance in the "Harnam" Folk Song and Dance Ensemble, through classical, to contemporary dance and contact improvisation and Argentine tango. She practices Ashtanga Yoga, focusing on the therapeutic aspect, uniform development of the body, preventing injuries and finding harmony between the body and the mind. Together with friends, she co-creates KIPISZ in Łódź - a space for personal improvisation.
She collaborated with various artists on theater and dance projects: incl. with Yukari Uto on the performance "Nigero", with Zora Wollny on the etude "Museum" and "Composition for 12 actors and Lido plants", with the duo of vjs ElektroMoon, on the film editions "Tactum" and "Grzeczny-sinful"; she took part in dance performances, "Flying Circus", "Warhol's Trolley" and many site-specific activities.
From 2011 takes part in the performances of the CHOREA Theater: "Oratorium Dance Project", "Bacchante", "Szczelina", "Derby", "Oratory of the Earth", " Metaphysical Opera", "Jan's Tragedy" dir. Waldemar Raźniak and the concerts: "Ancient Songs", "Gilgamesh", "Songs of the World", "Engi vengi - Bulgarian Songs", "Spojrzystość", "Lulabajki".
The project was financed as part of the Artistic Scholarship of the Mayor of the City of Lodz 2019.