date: 22 listopada
hour: 19.00
place: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi, ul. Tymienieckiego 3
“Obsession" is a performance about discrimination. The Remus Theatre team collected authentic stories of people who have experienced racially motivated attacks. These brutal texts are presented in contrast to the beauty of the distant cultures represented by the cooperating artists: great Iranian flutist Mohammad Rasouli, Japanese butoh dancer Rui Ishihara and actress Hana Umeda performing traditional Japanese Nihon Buyo dance. Also, actors singing traditional polyphonic songs from places including Morocco, Uganda, Corsica, Italy, Brazil and the Balkans.
The title of the performance refers to the story of the Moroccan artist who, during his scholarship in Poland was brutally beaten up: "After the incident, (...), I constantly look around nervously thinking somebody could attack me. It is an obsession now.”
Premiere: 6 February 2013