We invite you to the pre-premiere of performance "me, god".
date: 22.06.2019
hour: 19:00
place: stage in Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz, 3 Tymienieckiego Street
viewer's age: 16+
tickets: 20 / 30 pln
reservations: teatrchorea@gmail.com, +48 506 103 207, ewejsciowki.pl
more info: http://fotofestiwal.com/2019/wydarzenia/spektakl-ja-bog/
It is a theatrical project which draws on unresearched and barely known works of Jerzy Grotowski. It touches upon his most important and private issues.
The play "ja, big / me, god" is an intimate story about Grotowski's most crucial search within theatre and life. It refers to the most spiritual questions. Tomasz Rodowicz - Joanna Chmielecka duo situates the play in the quest of answering the most important question a human can pose - about the existence, or a lack thereof, of god. How to recognize what is unrecognisable? How to get a glimpse of "the other side"? This acting duo plays these questions on the basic binary oppositions: life/death, man/woman, human/god, health/disease, youthfulness/oldness.
„ja, bóg" / "me, god”
Based on teksts of Jerzy Grotowski
Direction and cast: Tomasz Rodowicz, Joanna Chmielecka
Selection of texts, scenario and dramaturgy: Dariusz Kosiński, Tomasz Rodowicz, Joanna Chmielecka
Director's consultations: Waldemar Raźniak
Music: Tomasz Krzyżanowski
Stage movement: Joanna Jaworska-Maciaszek
Stage design: Andrzej Dworakowski, Tomasz Rodowicz
Stage design constructors: Marcin Czajkowski, Malina Wojciechowska
Costumes: Anna Przybyt
Light: Tomasz Krukowski
Sound: Marcin Dobijański
Photos / teaser: Rami Shaya
Poster / banner: Katarzyna Jasińska / Gra-Fika
Production: CHOREA Theatre, Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz
Premiere: 23.08.2019