Watch the photo gallery form the general rehearsal - fot. Zuzanna Balcerzak
Watch the photo gallery from rehearsals - fot. Zuzanna Balcerzak & Joanna Zawada
Watch the photo gallery form the general rehearsal - fot. Zuzanna Balcerzak
Watch the photo gallery from rehearsals - fot. Zuzanna Balcerzak & Joanna Zawada
We invite you to the premiere of performance "Tragedy of John" or "Tragedy or images of the Death of the Most Holy John the Baptist of the Divine Messenger" by Jakub Gawatowic, directed by Waldemar Raźniak, created by CHOREA Theatre in cooperation with Warszawskie Towarzystwo Sceniczne.
We invite you to the pre-premiere of performance "Tragedy of John" or "Tragedy or images of the Death of the Most Holy John the Baptist of the Divine Messenger" by Jakub Gawatowic, directed by Waldemar Raźniak, created by CHOREA Theatre in cooperation with Warszawskie Towarzystwo Sceniczne.