On 25-29 August a few people from our Take Over Youth Board, together with the coordinators of TAKE OVER Project visited Edinburgh at Fringe Festival, one of the most important and certainly the most interesting theater event in the world.
On 4th September, at 6:30 pm in Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz (3 Tymienieckiego Street), Take Over CHOREA Youth Bord Members will share their experiences, inspirations and impressions about their trip to Edinburgh and visit at Fringe Festival.
The British Council’s biennial Edinburgh Showcase is the single biggest opportunity for UK theatre companies to introduce their work to international promoters. The programme comprises new work that represents the very best of contemporary theatre and dance, reflecting the breadth and diversity of British performing arts. Since the British Council’s first Showcase in 1997 the event has given 350 theatre and dance companies the opportunity to tour overseas, building new relationships and opening up new markets for the UK’s performing arts.
Check out our report form the Festival, available on September on: www.takeover.chorea.com.pl
View British Showcase Programme: https://edinburghshowcase.britishcouncil.org/main-programme/
photo: © Edinburgh Showcase 2015