CHOREA Theatre and KIJO Group Summer Workshops in terms of Summer in Theatre Project
When: 3-16.08.2015, godz. 10:00-16:00
Where: Art_inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi, ul. Tymienieckego 3
Admission is free. You must send Your application in advance.
Deadline for applications: 25th Jula
We invite volunteers aged 14-18.
Aplication should contain:
1. Name
2. Age
3. School
4. Few sentences about yourself, your interests, motivations, experiences in theatre, dance, music, participation in other workshops
Instructors: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki (CHOREA), Paweł Korbus (CHOREA) Małgorzata Lipczyńska (CHOREA), Majka Justyna (CHOREA), Tomasz Ciesielski (CHOREA), Michał Ratajski (KIJO), Adrian Bartczak (KIJO)
Final shows: 15-16.08.2015, h. 18.00, Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki w Łodzi
Project created in partnership of CHOREA Theatre and KIJO Group, in terms of "Lato w teatrze" Project, organized by Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego in Warsaw, financed by Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.