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Homepage / Performances / Archive repertoire / Panhabitants


Creators: Julia Jakubowska, Paweł Korbus, Dorota Porowskia, Marcin Polak, Kuba Krzewiński, Magda Laskowska, Piotr Kowalczyk

Premiere: 23.10.2013, Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz




The performance "WSZĘDODOMNI / PANHABITANTS" is a result of a project created in 2013, by CHOREA artists and independent artists from Lodz with the residents of a center for homeless people in Lodz.


Artists and animators from CHOREA tried to get inside this difficult social area, and to identify life circumstances of this special community, they also tried to activate and motivate participants of the project. Meetings, discussions and regular theater workshops helped many people to externalize their own judgments, emotions and artistic skills in various art fields.


In terms of this project we organized a musical concert, work-in-progress shows of our joint work, we made a film about our actions and created a democratic performance, a unique theatrical experiment.




Watch the film about the project


Watch the photos by Alexandra Galambová


Watch the photos by Alexandra Galambová