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Homepage / Performances / Archive repertoire / iGeneration?


Creators: CHOREA Theatre Youth Group

Author: Future Man

Director: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki

Dramaturgy: Wiktor Moraczewski

Choreography: Magdalena Paszkiewicz

Music: Paweł Odorowicz, Mojo Pin

Stage design: Jola Królicka, Janusz Adam Biedrzycki

Stage design constructors: Jola Królicka, Tomasz Adamkiewicz, Jacek Szumacher

Costiumes: Kinga Kubiak

Makeup: Kinga Kubiak, Wiktor Moraczewski

Visuals: Paweł Klepacz / Mr. Potato

Final video: HOLLYBABA / Rami Shaya

Light: Tomasz Krukowski

Sound: Marcin Dobijański

Cast: Natalia Arabska, Anastasiya Bakhtyukova, Nina Baranowska, Iga Denst, Julia Konopka, Natalia Niźnikowska, Zofia Piątkowska, Joanna Podlejska, Agata Stoparczyk, Julia Szydłowska

Special thanks to: Dominika Kamińska, Dawid Rozmiarkowski, Filip Appel 

Cast in the final video: Anastasiya Bakhtyukova, Nina Baranowska, Antonina Borowska, Julia Konopka, Antoni Kowarski, Lilianna Maj, Jakub Mejna, Natalia Niźnikowska, Justyna Olczak, Magdalena Paszkiewicz, Zofia Piątkowska, Joanna Podlejska, Julia Szydłowska, Konstancja Tomanik, Wiktoria Wieczorek

Performance inspired by the artistic action "Dotknij Teatru" - International Theater Day celebrations in Lodz 2020, titled: „The Presence”, organized by Academic Ośrodek Inicjatyw Artystycznych in Lodz

Premiere: 1.08.2020 / 27.08.2020, Stage in Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz, Internetional Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy 2020

Duration: 60 minutes

Viewers' age: 15 + 




Together with a youth theatre group, The CHOREA Theatre prepares a performance, whose action does not takes take place neither in the past nor in the future, but is an expression of dystopian present, which may already exist... Between hope and doubt, young people creating this theatrical manifesto about the presence of man in the world, ask themselves many questions. Who am I and who do I want to be? How do I see the present and future? Am I still being moved by the world around me? Is there still room for my emotions and deeper relations in the era of excessive consumerism, gadgets, and virtual existence? And the most important question - What kind of the world will surround me when I enter adulthood?




Watch the photos by Polecam się - Piotr Wdówka