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Homepage / News / Start of "VIDOMI_KONTYNUACJE" Project


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CHOREA Theatre, University in Teremiski | Project

We have started working on the project "VIDOMI-KONTYNUACJE". This is the next stage in our workshop practice, connected with creating the performance "VIDOMI".

The first stage of the project was placed in the University J.J. Lipskiego in Teremiski, where the group of youth who create the performance "VIDOMI" spend 10 days (15-25 July 2015), on intensive summer workshops. They were working on developing their dancing and musical skills, and on improving their creative process in the "VIDOMI" performance.

The second stage of the project will be series of workshops, lead by "VIDOMI" group, for blind and visually-impaired young people in Laski, Warsaw and Bydgoszcz.

Project leaders: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Magda Paszkiewicz, Joanna Filarska

Watch photo gallery from the first stage of "VIDOMI_KONTYNUACJE" Project

Project financed by Fundacja PZU "Młodzi niepełnosprawni - pełnosprawni z PZU" and Joanna Filarska scholarship by Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.

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place: sala teatralna Art_Inkubatora w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi (budynek C), ul. Tymienieckiego 3
tickets: 15 pln / 20 pln
reservation: chorea.warsztaty@gmail.com

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CHOREA Theatre | Performance

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