Concert "Brothers of the Northern Lights" by CHOREA Theatra and Teatr Figur Cracow, in terms of "Objazdowy Festiwal Teatralny Dilettante 2018" in Lanckorona.
date: 22.09.2018 (Saturday)
time: 20:30
place: Gminny Ośrodek Kultury in Lanckorona, 8 Krakowska Street
admssion is free
Musical performance 'Brothers of The Northern Lights' is a magical and mysterious tale, based on the legends and fairytales of the Baltic Sea, sung in Estonian, Finnish, Lithuanian, Latvian and Polish. Voices and simple instruments fill the entire space with gentle sounds. The unusual stories are presented by a shadow theatre. Tomasz Krzyżanowski from CHOREA Theatre is the originator of the project and composer of the music. He is accompanied by invited musicians and vocalists, connected with CHOREA Theatre and CHOREA Theatre Choir. The shadow images are created by actors from Teatr Figur from Cracow. 'Brothers of The Northern Lights' will tell you amazing legends of the sea waters, lost castles, mysterious sea creatures, powerful gods and rulers of the sea lands, and even the tale of a magical mill...
Brothers of The Northern Lights' - Baltic tales and legends - a musical performance for viewers in every age
Creators: Tomasz Krzyzanowski and artists from CHOREA Theatre Lodz and Teatr Figur from Cracow
Concept & Composition: Tomasz Krzyżanowski
Concept and shadow theatre production: Dagmara Żabska & Teatr Figur Krakow
Performance: Joanna Chmielecka, Aleksandra Endzelm, Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Justyna Sobieraj-Bednarek, Maciej Staniecki, Paula Tralewska
Shadow theatre animation: Piotr Idziak, Agnieszka Polanska, Mateusz Wrobel, Dagmara Żabska
Polish texts: Zoska Papużanka
Latvian text: Viktorija Blumberga
Adaptation of lithuanian texts based on „Egle Žalciu karaliene”: Gintaras Grajauskas,
Consultation on the fnnish text based on „Kalevala”: Erik Soderblom
Premiere: 01.06.2018 Art_In, Art Factory, Łodź, Poland
Partners: Beculture Foundation, CHOREA Theatre, Art Factory Łodź
Realized as part of the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage