Performance "Szczelina / The Crack" on Theatre Olympics Festival in Wroclaw
date: 10.11.2016 (Thursday)
time: 19:00
date: 11.11.2016 (Friday)
time: 17:00
place: Wrocław Contemporary Theatre, Attic Stage
tickets: 30 pln
This is not a performance about refugees who have suddenly lost the roofs over their heads and have to head out into the unknown. This is not a performance about those who know where they come from, but don’t know where they are going. This is not a performance about people who have lost their loved ones but still want to live. This is not a performance about those who are losing everything but still hope they will be able to start their lives anew.
The Crack is a performance about you, about us, who have roofs over our heads and plenty of food to eat, but who do not yet realise that we can lose it all, at any moment; that suddenly we can be thrown into the unknown. This performance is about our fears and about finding hope. And about the fact that each one of us is, was, or one day will be a refugee, usually not of our own free will.
Six women and one man try to tell, through words, movement and singing, very ordinary stories of people who have lost everything, and have nothing left but hope. Hope, which sometimes turns into a survival instinct, and sometimes into an acceptance of its loss.
Direction and stage design: Tomasz Rodowicz
Text based on the text of the Norwegian playwright Arne Lygre, translated by Elizabeth Frątczak-Nowotny, and using fragments of poetic texts written by Rumi
Performers: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Joanna Chmielecka, Majka Justyna, Dominika Krzyżanowska Gorzkiewicz, Małgorzata Lipczyńska, Elina Toneva
Choreography: Adrian Bartczak
Music: Tomasz Krzyżanowski
Costumes: Anna Raczkowska
Light: Tomasz Krukowski
Sound: Marcin Dobijański
Partner: Art Factory in Łódź
Premiere: 31 March 2016