date: 10 lipca 2015
hour: 20:00
place: sala teatralna Art_Inkubatora w Fabryce Sztuki w Łodzi (budynek C), ul. Tymienieckiego 3
tickets: 15 pln / 20 pln
Directors: Magdalena Paszkiewicz, Janusz Adam Biedrzycki
Choreographers: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki
Music: Jakub Pałys, Milena Kranik
Visualisation: Anna Świderska, Rami Shaya
Costumes: Anna Raczkowska
Lighting designer /Sound: Maciej Kobalczyk
Cast: Adrianna Binkowska, Michalina Pietrzak, Ewa Otomańska, Aleksandra Ziomek, Aleksandra Kacprzak, Milena Kranik, Żaneta Mrozik, Piotr Fraszczyński, Tomek Kowalski, Jan Tarasiewicz, Damian Kukiałka, Marek Szczepański
Duration: 60 min
Premiere: 18-19.10.2013
, Szwalnia Theatre, Lodz
An ugly person lives inside each one of us… Doesn't it?
This play is not an academic discourse on ugliness. It does not attempt to define it either. It is a result of observations on pollution, tarnishing, and contamination of beauty and ugliness in everyday life. The play examines a distorting mirror of mass media, which deforms our brains and steals our self-esteem, offering an injection of mass plastic in exchange. The canons creating a human caricature are our modern freak show, a shock therapy ending with the death of values and vegetation of people at their own request.